2015-02-19 04:01:09 UTC
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內德·史塔克(Ned Stark)死後,

我們知道斯坦尼斯·巴拉森(Stannis Baratheon)是真的正如內德·史塔克(Ned Stark)在被俘虜之前送給斯坦尼斯(Stannis)的烏鴉消息中所述,寶座的繼承人。

斯坦尼斯(Stannis)隨後也將這一信息告知所有人。讓我感到困惑的是,史塔克人以其忠誠而聞名,就像這些年來內德·史塔克(Ned Stark)為羅伯特·巴拉森(Robert Baratheon)所做的那樣。如果內德·史塔克(Ned Stark)活著,他肯定會跟隨斯坦尼斯(Stannis)進入墳墓,最重要的是,他們的聯盟可以憑藉其純粹的軍事專長輕易擊敗不了蘭尼斯特(Lannisters)(斯坦尼斯和羅伯都被認為是出色的戰鬥策略師)。 / p>


我誤讀為“為什麼托尼·史塔克(Tony Stark)不與斯坦尼斯結成聯盟”,並且感到非常困惑。
五 答案:
Andrew Martin
2015-02-19 04:26:30 UTC
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This is a great question. Here's my take on it:

Towards the end of Season 1, Ned Stark is arrested in King's Landing. Incensed by this, Robb raises his bannermen to march on the South. When Ned is killed, he reaches a point of no return and vows revenge.

Then, in the Season 1 finale Fire and Blood, we hear this speech:

Robb: Renly is not the King.
Other Character: You cannot mean to hold to Joffrey, My Lord. He put your father to death.
Robb: That doesn't make Renly King. He's Robert's youngest brother. If Bran can't be Lord of Winterfell before me, Renly can't be King before Stannis.
Other Character: My Lords. If we put ourselves behind Stannis ...
Jon Umber My Lords! Here is what I say to these two Kings [spits] Renly Baratheon is nothing to me, nor Stannis neither. Why should they rule over me and mine from some flowery seat in the South? What do they know of the Wall or the Wolfswood? Even their Gods are wrong! Why shouldn't we rule ourselves again? It was the Dragons we bowed to and now the Dragons are dead! There sits the only King I mean to bend my knee to ... the King in the North!

Now, there's something very important revealed in this speech. Or rather not revealed. Robb intends to march on the South to fight for his father and the North. At no point is it shown that he is aware that Joffrey is a false King.

Instead, he simply thinks there are two other claimants for the throne and he wants nothing to do with it - he just wants revenge. Why would he swear a claim to Stannis, who has no chance to rule the throne? It's Joffrey's by right - as Robb mistakenly thinks. Based on this, and his bannermen's support, he declares himself King in the North.

Even Stannis only becomes aware of his true status of King in the Season 2 opener, The North Remembers, when Ned's letter arrives.

A few episodes later, in What is Dead May Never Die and Garden of Bones, Lady Catelyn actually arrives at the camps of both Renly and Stannis to try to negotiate a peace between them. However, by this stage Robb's claim as King in the North is well known. And Stannis will not back down from being King over the whole kingdom. As he tells Catelyn:

Stannis: It is strange to find you beside my brother, Lady Stark. Your husband was a supporter of my claim. Lord Eddard's integrity cost him his head. And you sit beside this pretender and chastise me. We share a common enemy. The Iron Throne is mine by right. All those that deny that are my foes.

At this point, despite her attempts to broker some sort of peace between Stannis and Renly, he is beyond redemption. Pride, desire to rule the whole kingdom and the Red Priestess mean he will not negotiate and thus Stannis and Robb become enemies, albeit ones who never meet on the field.

Of course, it could still be argued that Robb could renege on his desire to become King in the North, but with an army of bannermen behind him wanting freedom, this would be no easy task and would likely lead to further conflict with Stannis down the line. Not to mention Stannis, being the type of person who remembers wrongdoing (see: Ser Davos' fingers), would likely punish them after the war was over for their attempted uprising.

就我從演出中所看到的來看,我認為斯坦尼斯會成為一個非常公正的國王。 LittleFinger和Varys反對他的原因是Stannis不喜歡玩政治。喬恩·阿林(Jon Arryn)的前一手命運與內德(Ned)一樣。內德希望忠於國王之職。
“內德·史塔克(Ned Stark)在國王的登陸區被斬首。對此,羅布發了怒,發誓復仇並舉起旗手向南進發。”事實並非如此:[“在愛達德被捕後,國王喬弗里(Joffrey)召喚羅布(Robb)支付他的忠實。羅布打電話給他的橫幅,使斯塔克(House Stark)的附庸國參戰。”](http://gameofthrones.wikia.com/wiki / Robb_Stark)
他們可能在電視節目中改變了一切,但是在書中,斯坦尼斯是第一個發現喬佛里不是羅伯特國王的兒子的人,他對喬恩·阿林不滿。他們四處看看羅伯特的混蛋,包括Gendry和妓女的兒子。這就是斯坦尼斯(Jon Arryn)死後,斯坦尼斯(Stannis)離開國王的登陸處並前往龍石(Dragonstone)的原因-他擔心自己也會被謀殺。實際上,這就是喬恩·阿林被謀殺的原因,以及內德·斯塔克成為國王之手的原因。
啊,可憐的卡特琳...她嘗試過...她*試過* ...
2015-02-19 19:46:03 UTC
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  • “如果斯坦尼斯(Stannis)有所幫助,他可能會完全將北方的主權授予羅伯他”


  • “如果內德·史塔克還活著,他肯定會追隨斯坦尼斯。”


  • “為什麼像他父親那樣具有類似特質的羅布沒有選擇跟隨斯坦尼斯?”


  • “史塔克人的忠誠度眾所周知,就像這些年來內德·史塔克(Ned Stark)對羅伯特·巴拉森(Robert Baratheon)的忠誠”。 li>

是的,而Ned是北方的 Warden ,而不是 King 。他跪下羅伯特,羅伯不願意為斯坦尼斯做這件事。

  • “他們的聯盟很容易以純粹的個人軍隊壓倒了蘭尼斯特一家專家”


斯坦尼斯會放棄他們 的主要部分,或者羅伯會放棄他的分裂主義和 彎曲膝蓋 。出於自己的原因,也沒有。

2015-10-07 14:24:44 UTC
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我們不確定,如果斯坦尼斯將國王登陸降落並長期保持在王冠上會發生什麼。我懷疑羅布很可能會願意慢慢放棄獨立,或者可能更像多恩擔任客戶王子,而不只是看守,同時屈膝於斯坦尼斯作為中間地帶,就像雷尼所提供的那樣。 / p>

2015-12-15 00:03:25 UTC
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我認為,如果羅伯在黑水戰役中率領國王登陸,他會屈膝於斯坦尼斯。他確實試圖將蘭尼斯特部隊吸引到西方,希望將他們從風暴之地的馬拉松戰隊中撤離。 (埃德穆爾挫敗了這一陰謀)此外,他不屈服於喬弗里的主要原因是他的父親斬首,他本可以很合理地屈膝於斯坦尼斯,因為他知道失去了獨立的希望顯然北領主看到他支持斯坦尼斯有些人想在斯坦尼斯被擊敗後與喬佛里談判和平

War daddy
2017-07-03 18:50:22 UTC
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我喜歡斯坦尼斯,但他永遠不會與羅伯·史塔克(Robb Stark)或其他任何人締結協議。他比斯塔克斯更堅強,就像我說的那樣。我自己從馬口中引述:他們會彎曲膝蓋,否則我會破壞它們。

該問答將自動從英語翻譯而來。原始內容可在stackexchange上找到,我們感謝它分發的cc by-sa 3.0許可。